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On­boar­ding 2023

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On 1. Sep­tem­ber 2023, the training or dual stu­dy pro­gram­me at TecAlliance be­gan. A few days be­fore­hand, we were able to get to know each other at a bar­be­cue. In the first few days, the­re was a lot of or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on, which was bro­ken up by team-buil­ding games whe­re we had a lot of fun. 

In the first week, we were in­tro­du­ced to TecAlliance, the in­di­vi­du­al work steps and the busi­ness units. A lot of things be­ca­me clea­rer th­rough the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, but if you still had ques­ti­ons, they were al­ways hap­py to ans­wer them. To make the day a litt­le more va­ried, games were play­ed again and again to get to know each other even bet­ter. At the end of the week, the trai­nee ex­cur­si­on to Würz­burg took place on Fri­day, whe­re all trai­nees and stu­dents could get to know each other even bet­ter. It was an eventful day with an Es­cape Room, la­ser tag and a city ral­ly th­rough Würzburg. 

While the app­ren­ti­ces vi­si­ted their school in Würz­burg, the dual stu­dents got an in­sight into their stu­dies. Ques­ti­ons could also be cla­ri­fied, as the­re was the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­ch­an­ge ide­as with other stu­dents from the same de­gree programme. 

So the on­boar­ding weeks gave us an in­sight into the com­pa­ny and we all got to know each other very well already. 

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