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Pro­duct Ow­ner Workshop

Last week, a two-day Pro­duct Ow­ner work­shop took place in Wei­kers­heim for trai­nees and stu­dents. The­re, in-depth in­sights into the ac­ti­vi­ties of a Pro­duct Ow­ner and dif­fe­rent pro­ject ma­nage­ment me­thods were pro­vi­ded. The work­shop of­fe­red a va­ried pro­gram in which theo­re­ti­cal aspects could al­ways be ap­pli­ed di­rect­ly to a project.

On the first day, the two pre­sen­ters La­ris­sa Bräu­ni­ger and Me­lina Gens­ler brief­ly in­tro­du­ced them­sel­ves and tal­ked about their work ex­pe­ri­ence at TecAlliance and their tasks as Pro­duct Manager/Product Ow­ner. Then the first theo­re­ti­cal part star­ted, which dealt with the dif­fe­rent pha­ses of a pro­ject, in­tro­du­cing me­thods such as Pro­ject Char­ter, Work Break­down Struc­tu­re and Pro­ject Mi­le­stone Plan. The know­ledge ac­qui­red was then ap­pli­ed di­rect­ly in small groups for dif­fe­rent hy­po­the­ti­cal pro­jects and then pre­sen­ted in the ple­na­ry session.

The next theo­re­ti­cal ses­si­on dealt with the ana­ly­sis of stake­hol­ders and cus­to­mers. The main fo­cus here was on how stake­hol­der ana­ly­ses are car­ri­ed out and the ext­ent to which dif­fe­rent stake­hol­ders need to be in­vol­ved in the pro­ject. In ad­di­ti­on, the use of the Cus­to­mer Em­pa­thy Map was ex­plai­ned, which is uti­li­zed to ana­ly­ze cus­to­mers and to sub­se­quent­ly re­spond bet­ter to their needs. This was also fol­lo­wed by a prac­ti­cal pha­se in which the par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the work­shop ana­ly­zed stake­hol­ders and cus­to­mers for their goup pro­jects. Af­ter a lunch break, the work­shop con­tin­ued with a theo­re­ti­cal part on coll­ec­ting and prio­ri­tiz­ing re­qui­re­ments for a pro­ject. The know­ledge lear­ned was then ap­pli­ed to the pro­jects and pre­sen­ted to ever­yo­ne else at the end of the day.

The se­cond day of the work­shop be­gan with a brief re­cap of the to­pics co­ver­ed on the first day. This was fol­lo­wed by a theo­re­ti­cal part that fo­cu­sed on the pro­ces­sing of re­qui­re­ments wi­thin a pro­ject, in par­ti­cu­lar Kan­ban and Scrum. The groups then as­si­gned the dif­fe­rent Scrum ro­les (Pro­duct Ow­ner, Scrum Mas­ter and de­ve­lo­p­ment team) to the group mem­bers and si­mu­la­ted a sprint tog­e­ther. In­sights into this si­mu­la­ti­on were then pre­sen­ted again. The next theo­re­ti­cal ses­si­on dealt with mo­ni­to­ring pro­ject pro­gress, wher­eby es­sen­ti­al con­cepts of pro­ject stee­ring, a pro­ject sta­tus re­port and dif­fe­rent aspects of pro­gress con­trol were taught. One fo­cus was the de­fi­ni­ti­on of OKRs (Ob­jec­ti­ves and Key Re­sults). As be­fo­re, the work­shop par­ti­ci­pan­ts im­ple­men­ted this in their group pro­jects and then pre­sen­ted their re­sults. Fi­nal­ly, an ex­pl­ana­ti­on was gi­ven on how to clo­se a pro­ject using the Busi­ness Mo­del Can­vas (gra­phi­cal vi­sua­liza­ti­on of va­rious com­pon­ents of a busi­ness mo­del) and Pro­ject Clo­sure Re­port (re­port sum­ma­ri­zing all key aspects of the pro­ject). Here, once again, what was lear­ned was put into practice.

We would like to thank La­ris­sa and Me­lina for the gre­at work­shop and the time they in­ves­ted. We lear­ned a lot and per­haps we will put some of our pro­jects into prac­ti­ce in the future. 
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