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In­tern­ship work­shop in Weikersheim

At the be­gin­ning of this week, work­shops were once again held in Wei­kers­heim, whe­re in­terns were taught ba­sic know­ledge of va­rious pro­gramming lan­guages. For TecAlliance, the­se events of­fe­red an op­por­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent them­sel­ves and get to know po­ten­ti­al app­ren­ti­ces in a re­la­xed atmosphere.

The work­shop star­ted on Mon­day at 9 a.m. with a com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­ti­on and a brief tour of our lo­ca­ti­on in Wei­kers­heim. Sub­se­quent­ly, to­pics like HTML were co­ver­ed in the lear­ning cen­ter, fol­lo­wed by CSS in the af­ter­noon. Here, the in­terns were able to de­mons­tra­te their skills and gain va­luable lear­ning ex­pe­ri­en­ces. Of cour­se, they were pro­vi­ded with lunch du­ring an ex­ten­si­ve break by our company.

The se­cond day of the work­shop also be­gan at 9 a.m., and both the in­terns and su­per­vi­sors were eager to get star­ted. The group del­ved di­rect­ly into the Py­thon pro­gramming lan­guage and spent the who­le day in­ten­se­ly working with this new and un­fa­mi­li­ar lan­guage for the in­terns. With the as­sis­tance of the su­per­vi­sors, they suc­cessful­ly ta­ck­led this chall­enge and went home at the end of the day with new in­sights and experiences.

On the third and fi­nal day of the in­tern­ship, the­re was fur­ther in­ten­si­ve lear­ning and prac­ti­cal work. On this day, the in­terns’ Py­thon skills were put to the test again, and new, more de­man­ding tasks were sought. Fi­nal­ly, a feed­back ses­si­on was held, con­clu­ding the internship.

In sum­ma­ry, the in­terns lear­ned va­luable tips and tricks in deal­ing with new pro­gramming lan­guages from ex­perts and gai­ned in­sights into the ever­y­day work life of a po­ten­ti­al fu­ture employer.

We at TecAlliance are plea­sed with your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the work­shops and hope that we may see each other again in the fu­ture for an app­ren­ti­ce­ship or dual stu­dies. It would be our pleasure.

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