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De­sign Thin­king Workshop

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In the third training week of this year, De­sign Thin­king was on the agen­da for us. From Wed­nes­day af­ter­noon to Fri­day, we dealt with this me­thod for de­ve­lo­ping ide­as and were al­lo­wed to be crea­ti­ve ourselves.

The de­sign thin­king pro­cess can be di­vi­ded into se­ven sub­ca­te­go­ries, which were very in­te­res­t­ing for us trai­nees and stu­dents to fol­low, as the theo­re­ti­cal con­tent was al­ways fol­lo­wed by prac­ti­cal tasks. Abo­ve all, it is about un­der­stan­ding the cus­to­mer and put­ting on­es­elf in their shoes, re­spon­ding to their wis­hes and fin­ding a sui­ta­ble so­lu­ti­on in the end. Du­ring the pre­sen­ta­ti­on, the­re was a clear th­read, as the case stu­dies we work­ed on built on each other and so we ap­proa­ched a con­cre­te end re­sult step by step. For the prac­ti­cal tasks, we di­vi­ded into two groups and pre­sen­ted our re­sults at the end in front of some more ex­pe­ri­en­ced stu­dents and thus also re­cei­ved con­s­truc­ti­ve feed­back. Trans­la­ted with (free version)

Th­roug­hout the time, the­re were al­ways ple­nty of op­por­tu­ni­ties for us to ask ques­ti­ons, which were then ans­we­red, and so it is clear to say that each of us took so­me­thing away from the­se two and a half days.

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