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On­boar­ding 2022 – In­tro­duc­to­ry Weeks at TecAlliance

On Sep­tem­ber 1, 14 new trai­nees and dual stu­dents star­ted their training or dual stu­dies at TecAlliance. At the be­gin­ning, we did not know each other at all and the­r­e­fo­re star­ted the first days with some team­buil­ding games. Af­ter the trai­nee ex­cur­si­on  we re­al­ly star­ted the on­boar­ding on the fol­lo­wing Mon­day and in the fol­lo­wing weeks got to know the com­pa­ny and its de­part­ments bet­ter and better.

Right at the be­gin­ning, we re­cei­ved our lap­tops and were in­tro­du­ced to the thought pro­cess be­hind the work­flows at TecAlliance. Du­ring this week we were vi­si­ted by Jür­gen Buchert, the CEO of our com­pa­ny. The fol­lo­wing lunch gave us the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know Jürgen.

Du­ring the fol­lo­wing on­boar­ding weeks, get­ting to know the in­di­vi­du­al de­part­ments at TecAlliance play­ed a pro­mi­nent role and we were in­tro­du­ced to each de­part­ment. Pre­vious­ly, we only knew rough­ly what TecAlliance ac­tual­ly did, but thanks to the on­boar­ding, our un­der­stan­ding of the Busi­ness Units and the com­pa­ny its­elf be­ca­me bet­ter. The­r­e­fo­re ever­y­thing cle­ared up and got ea­sier for us to un­der­stand. As usu­al, we went home that evening ti­red from the many im­pres­si­ons and in­for­ma­ti­on, but also op­ti­mi­stic and full of anticipation.

Along with the va­lues and vi­si­ons of TecAlliance, we were also in­tro­du­ced to agi­le working and its con­cepts, so that by the end of our on­boar­ding pe­ri­od, ever­yo­ne should have at least a ba­sic un­der­stan­ding of the ide­as and pro­ces­ses of agi­le working.

Thanks to the on­boar­ding weeks, we were also well pre­pared for the start of the theo­ry pha­ses at DHBW, as we were gi­ven the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk to other gra­dua­tes and stu­dents of our re­spec­ti­ve pro­grams, thus cla­ri­fy­ing any fe­ars and ques­ti­ons we had be­fo­re the start of our time at the university.

In sum­ma­ry, the on­boar­ding weeks gave us an in­sight into the com­pa­ny, its pro­ducts and pro­ces­ses, pre­pared us for the start of the theo­ry pha­ses and pre­pared us for the ch­an­ges which are about to hap­pen in our lives.

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