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My Se­mes­ter Ab­road: Sin­ga­po­re and more

The op­por­tu­ni­ty of spen­ding 5 months in the gar­den city was one I could not let pass. Ex­pe­ri­en­cing the bust­ling, yet in­cre­di­bly safe, streets of Sin­ga­po­re and high-qua­li­ty edu­ca­ti­on at Nan­yang Po­ly­tech­nic in­fluen­ced my view of the world. Thanks to the ama­zing sup­port re­cei­ved from ever­yo­ne at TecAlliance or­ga­ni­zing my trip ab­road was ea­sier done than I ever would have imagined.

Upon rea­ching Sin­ga­po­re in April 2024, we had a few days to ex­plo­re the tro­pi­cal me­tro­po­lis. Du­ring this time and the fol­lo­wing ori­en­ta­ti­on, I got to know the rest of the in­ter­na­tio­nal crew also go­ing to Sin­ga­po­re. A few of them, I al­re­a­dy re­co­gni­zed, be­cau­se they at­tend the par­al­lel cour­se at the DHBW. Si­zing up the group I’d be spen­ding the next 5 months with, I knew in­stant­ly that I was in good company.

My cho­sen sub­jects were in­te­res­t­ing and taught in small lear­ning groups lea­ding to en­ri­ching con­ver­sa­ti­ons and the ex­chan­ging of know­ledge. As the struc­tu­re of lear­ning dif­fers great­ly from DHBW, we had en­ough time to ex­plo­re and ex­pe­ri­ence the lion city in all its glory.

Sin­ga­po­re po­si­ti­ons its­elf as the prime lo­ca­ti­on to ex­plo­re the sou­the­as­tern cor­ner of the ama­zing Asi­an con­ti­nent and Aus­tra­lia by of­fe­ring af­forda­ble and short flights to about any coun­try in the re­gi­on. Na­tu­ral­ly, I used this chan­ce to ex­plo­re Viet­nam, Thai­land, Ma­lay­sia and Aus­tra­lia this way. But es­ca­ping Sin­ga­po­re is hard­ly ne­ces­sa­ry, for the fine city of­fers ple­nty of at­trac­tions on its own.

From the world re­nown Ma­ri­na Bay Sands and the Su­per­trees at the Gar­dens by the Bay via the Shores of the Sin­ga­po­re Ri­ver with its sky-high ban­king towers and in­ter­na­tio­nal pubs to the less tou­ris­ty but still breath­ta­kin­gly beau­tiful he­ri­ta­ge quar­ters Ka­tong and Ta­jong Pa­gar with their small bars, hip ca­fes and ama­zing street art, Sin­ga­po­re of­fers ever­y­thing for everyone.

My time in Sin­ga­po­re was an ex­pe­ri­ence I will never for­get. Mee­ting ama­zing peo­p­le, try­ing the ple­tho­ra of uni­que cui­sines co­ming tog­e­ther in the Asi­an mel­ting pot and em­bra­cing dif­fe­rent tra­di­ti­ons on dai­ly ba­sis, has shaped me and how I per­cei­ve the world around me. The con­nec­tions made, I tre­asu­re deep­ly. I would spend time again in Sin­ga­po­re in a heartbeat.

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