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Mas­ter’s degree


I am plea­sed to an­noun­ce that I have suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted my Mas­ter of Sci­ence (M.Sc.) in In­for­ma­ti­on Sys­tems at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bamberg!


At the end of my stu­dies, I’ve con­cen­tra­ted on data ana­ly­sis and pro­ces­sing, with a strong fo­cus on Ma­chi­ne Lear­ning, Data Sci­ence, and Data Mi­ning. I was able to di­rect­ly ap­p­ly this know­ledge in my dai­ly work at TecAlliance, uti­li­zing more and more ad­van­ced ap­proa­ches and tech­no­lo­gies. It was not only a lot of fun, but also con­tri­bu­ted to the ef­fi­ci­en­cy and qua­li­ty of our so­lu­ti­ons. I have ex­pan­ded my tool­box with ad­di­tio­nal tools, al­go­rith­ms and con­cepts from the are­as men­tio­ned above.


The fi­nal mi­le­stone of my stu­dies was my mas­ter’s the­sis, which I wro­te in co­ope­ra­ti­on with TecAlliance. As part of a sci­en­ti­fic pro­ject, I con­duc­ted re­se­arch wi­thin the com­pa­ny and wro­te a the­sis with the title “Use of ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gence for data cap­tu­ring using the ex­am­p­le of the in­de­pen­dent au­to­mo­ti­ve af­ter­mar­ket”. Th­roug­hout the pro­ject, I in­ves­ti­ga­ted va­rious pos­si­bi­li­ties for the use of ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gence in data cap­tu­ring and high­ligh­ted the as­so­cia­ted chal­lenges. Fi­nal­ly, I de­ve­lo­ped a Pro­of of Con­cept (PoC) for an AI-ba­sed data qua­li­ty com­po­nent. This com­po­nent clas­si­fies new ent­ries ba­sed on his­to­ri­cal data and en­ables con­clu­si­ons about their cor­rect­ness. In the long term, it should con­tri­bu­te to im­pro­ving data qua­li­ty and enable fur­ther au­to­ma­ti­on of data cap­tu­ring in the future.


I am very gra­teful for the sup­port I re­cei­ved from TecAlliance du­ring my stu­dies and look for­ward to the pro­fes­sio­nal and sci­en­ti­fic chal­lenges ahead. Many thanks to ever­yo­ne who has ac­com­pa­nied me on this journey!

Mar­cin has pre­vious­ly re­por­ted on his Mas­ter’s de­gree. Read his con­tri­bu­ti­on here:


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