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Vi­si­ting our lo­ca­ti­on in cologne

Hi the­re! My name is Jo­nas Biba and I am curr­ent­ly in the se­cond year of my stu­dies in “Di­gi­tal Busi­ness Ma­nage­ment”. Af­ter al­re­a­dy get­ting to know our lo­ca­ti­on in Is­ma­ning du­ring the past week, this week I had the plea­su­re to fa­mi­lia­ri­ze mys­elf with our lo­ca­ti­on in Co­lo­gne as part of my cur­rent as­sign­ment in our con­trol­ling de­part­ment. Even though the num­ber of em­ployees in the of­fice was re­la­tively ma­na­geable (thanks to Co­ro­na), I al­ways found a cont­act per­son, both di­rect­ly on site and via teams. What fa­sci­na­ted me about Co­lo­gne and ad­mit­ted­ly slight­ly over­whel­med me, espe­ci­al­ly at the be­gin­ning, was the size of this city. Espe­ci­al­ly if you ori­gi­nal­ly come from a mo­de­st vil­la­ge. What fa­sci­na­ted me about Co­lo­gne and ad­mit­ted­ly slight­ly over­whel­med me, espe­ci­al­ly at the be­gin­ning, was the size of this city. Espe­ci­al­ly if you ori­gi­nal­ly come from a mo­de­st vil­la­ge. Ho­we­ver, this no lon­ger pre­sen­ted me with too many chal­lenges af­ter the first day. Even though I only spent a week in Co­lo­gne, I did­n’t miss the op­por­tu­ni­ty to vi­sit the Co­lo­gne Ca­the­dral, pro­ba­b­ly the most fa­mous sight of the city. All in all, it was a short but very ex­ci­ting and in­te­res­t­ing stay and I am al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to my next time in Cologne.

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