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The first 2 weeks of the new trai­nees and students

The first 2 weeks for the new trai­nees and stu­dents and are over, but many ex­pe­ri­en­ces have al­re­a­dy been made. “In­put” – the word that was used most of­ten and also best de­scri­bes the first 14 days. From the very first mor­ning we did not feel stran­gers to each other, and from day to day we be­ca­me a un­ani­mous team.

In the be­gin­ning it was not al­ways easy: a who­le new life’s jour­ney, with cur­ves and moun­ta­ins. But TecAlliance was the­re to be­co­me our equip­ment, and each team mem­ber was the­re to help the other climb. It all star­ted with a warm wel­co­me from our in­s­truc­tor Kers­tin Lang­ohr. De­spi­te the strict re­gu­la­ti­ons, not only the com­pa­ny tour took place, but also a few games to get to know each other. Al­re­a­dy on Sep­tem­ber 1st we rea­li­zed – com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is key.

On Wed­nes­day (02.09.) and Thurs­day (03.09.) we were shown the in­ter­nal pro­ces­ses of the com­pa­ny in more de­tail. Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves from al­most every de­part­ment par­ti­ci­pa­ted to share their wis­dom with us: from Cus­to­mer Ser­vice to Ga­ra­ge Sup­port, ever­y­thing was the­re. To make Fri­day (04.09.) a bit more re­la­xed, we were taught the ba­sics of the work tools. The first weekend was the­re for the team to di­gest all the in­for­ma­ti­on and prepa­re for the se­cond push.

The new week see­med pro­mi­sing: Mon­day be­ca­me the first day for trai­nees at the vo­ca­tio­nal school, and for stu­dents a stu­dent day. A lot of ques­ti­ons from big to small found their ans­wers wi­thin this day.

Tues­day th­rough Thurs­day mer­ged into a huge pro­ject with To­bi­as Roth, whe­re we ex­plo­red the to­pic of Scrum and Agi­le all over the place. On Fri­day (11.09.) the time had come – the trai­nee ex­cur­si­on took place. Fi­nal­ly we had the chan­ce to get to know all the stu­dents and trai­nees from all ye­ars. Af­ter the walk to the cen­ter of Wei­kers­heim, which went th­rough our branch in El­pers­heim, we had an ex­ci­ting city ral­ly and a small lunch back in Elpersheim.The dai­ly sche­du­le in­cluded team games, one more fun than the other. All swea­ty but hap­py, the who­le trai­nee team ar­ri­ved back at the com­pa­ny buil­ding in Wei­kers­heim af­ter an­o­ther hike, whe­re an­o­ther task was wai­ting – On­line Es­cape Quest. Even af­ter a long day, our brains were fit for the com­pe­ti­ti­on. Then came the best part: award ce­rem­o­ny and bar­be­cue with dancing at the end.

Alt­hough we still have a long way to go, we are now re­a­dy to be­co­me part of TecAlliance and sup­port the com­pa­ny. And words like “in­put” and “gra­nu­lar” will help us.

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