The first 2 weeks for the new trainees and students and are over, but many experiences have already been made. “Input” – the word that was used most often and also best describes the first 14 days. From the very first morning we did not feel strangers to each other, and from day to day we became a unanimous team.
In the beginning it was not always easy: a whole new life’s journey, with curves and mountains. But TecAlliance was there to become our equipment, and each team member was there to help the other climb. It all started with a warm welcome from our instructor Kerstin Langohr. Despite the strict regulations, not only the company tour took place, but also a few games to get to know each other. Already on September 1st we realized – communication is key.
On Wednesday (02.09.) and Thursday (03.09.) we were shown the internal processes of the company in more detail. Representatives from almost every department participated to share their wisdom with us: from Customer Service to Garage Support, everything was there. To make Friday (04.09.) a bit more relaxed, we were taught the basics of the work tools. The first weekend was there for the team to digest all the information and prepare for the second push.
The new week seemed promising: Monday became the first day for trainees at the vocational school, and for students a student day. A lot of questions from big to small found their answers within this day.
Tuesday through Thursday merged into a huge project with Tobias Roth, where we explored the topic of Scrum and Agile all over the place. On Friday (11.09.) the time had come – the trainee excursion took place. Finally we had the chance to get to know all the students and trainees from all years. After the walk to the center of Weikersheim, which went through our branch in Elpersheim, we had an exciting city rally and a small lunch back in Elpersheim.The daily schedule included team games, one more fun than the other. All sweaty but happy, the whole trainee team arrived back at the company building in Weikersheim after another hike, where another task was waiting – Online Escape Quest. Even after a long day, our brains were fit for the competition. Then came the best part: award ceremony and barbecue with dancing at the end.
Although we still have a long way to go, we are now ready to become part of TecAlliance and support the company. And words like “input” and “granular” will help us.