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TecAlliance award­ed as one of the best trai­ners in Germany

We have done it again!
For the fourth time in a row we were vo­ted one of the best trai­ners in Ger­ma­ny.
The busi­ness ma­ga­zi­ne Ca­pi­tal con­duc­ted the stu­dy “Germany’s Best Trai­ners” tog­e­ther with the ta­lent plat­form and the per­son­nel mar­ke­ting ex­perts from Ter­ri­to­ry Em­brace. In both ca­te­go­ries, “Training” and “Dual Stu­dies”, we re­cei­ved a top ra­ting of 5 out of 5 stars each.

The ba­sis for this eva­lua­ti­on was a sur­vey with over 90 ques­ti­ons, in which around 666 com­pa­nies took part.
With the help of the sur­vey, the com­pa­nies were as­ses­sed in five eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria.
The­se included:

  • Sup­port
  • Lear­ning on the job
  • Chan­ces of success
  • Di­gi­tiza­ti­on and Innovation
  • Training Mar­ke­ting

Abo­ve all, we stand out be­cau­se of our ex­cel­lent sup­port and our chan­ces of suc­cess.
From the very first day, our sup­port is so well or­ga­ni­zed that we can im­me­dia­te­ly in­te­gra­te into the com­pa­ny and learn ever­y­thing about the busi­ness pro­ces­ses of TecAlliance. We then learn the ba­sics of pro­gramming in the trai­nee of­fice, whe­re we are ac­tively su­per­vi­sed by a spe­cia­list trai­ner. This way, we can go into the re­spec­ti­ve de­ve­lo­p­ment teams with our first pro­gramming ex­pe­ri­en­ces to con­so­li­da­te and ex­pand our know­ledge. La­ter in the re­spec­ti­ve teams we are also very well su­per­vi­sed and can al­ways cont­act our su­per­vi­sor if we have ques­ti­ons.
Worth men­tio­ning is also our high take­over rate. About 90 per­cent of all trai­nees and stu­dents con­ti­nue to work for TecAlliance. This year, 15 of a to­tal of 17 trai­nees who have com­ple­ted their training or stu­dies were ta­ken on by the TecAlliance.

In the fol­lo­wing, for­mer trai­nees and stu­dents ex­plain to us what they par­ti­cu­lar­ly lik­ed about their training.

We think that training at TecAlliance is de­fi­ni­te­ly wort­hwhile, as you not only ac­qui­re the ne­ces­sa­ry ex­per­ti­se, but you can also de­ve­lop per­so­nal­ly and work with gre­at col­le­agues and other trainees.

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