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For the first time in Ismaning

Sin­ce I was very in­te­res­ted in get­ting to know our lo­ca­ti­on in Is­ma­ning and the city of Mu­nich, I vol­un­tee­red to take over the re­cep­ti­on desk.

Tog­e­ther with Fe­lix I al­re­a­dy ar­ri­ved on Mon­day with the com­pa­ny car. I was ac­com­mo­da­ted in an apart­ment that is very well equip­ped and only one S‑Bahn sta­ti­on away from the com­pa­ny. We en­ded the evening com­for­ta­b­ly in a beer gar­den. The next mor­ning Ka­rin ex­plai­ned to us which tasks had to be done at the re­cep­ti­on. This in­cludes: Ope­ning and dis­tri­bu­ting mail, ans­we­ring the pho­ne, che­cking of­fice sup­pli­es and drinks and pre­pa­ring mee­ting rooms. It was very hel­pful that we were shown ever­y­thing be­fore­hand. That way we were able to clear up any am­bi­gui­ties. From the next day on I was on my own. At first ever­y­thing was very un­fa­mi­li­ar and I still had to get used to the te­le­pho­ne. The very next day this was no pro­blem and be­cau­se I was only at the re­cep­ti­on for 3 days, time flew by. I en­joy­ed the work, be­cau­se it brings in some va­rie­ty while wri­ting the pro­ject work. Af­ter work I in­qui­red Mu­nich, went shop­ping and met a fri­end I met at the DHBW Mos­bach. It was gre­at to know so­meone who knows his way around. So we spent a nice evening in the Eng­lish Gar­den and were on a hot Sa­tur­day at the Isar beach.

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