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Suc­cessful fi­nal exam

Af­ter a to­tal of 2.5 ye­ars, I was fi­nal­ly able to suc­cessful­ly com­ple­te my training.   Af­ter com­ple­ting the writ­ten exam at the end of No­vem­ber, all that re­main­ed was my pro­ject do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and the fi­nal oral exam. For my pro­ject, I was al­lo­wed to ana­ly­ze and op­ti­mi­ze a script that uses sa­les data to pre­dict how of­ten an item is li­kely to be sold in the next month.

While I was working on the pro­ject, I had to wri­te a do­cu­men­ta­ti­on on the side, which I then had to send to the IHK by Ja­nu­ary 10.

Af­ter that, I pre­pared for the oral part of the exam. This con­sis­ted of a pre­sen­ta­ti­on (about the pro­ject) and the tech­ni­cal discussion.

The exam took place at the IHK training cen­ter in Heil­bronn. At 7:45 am I could al­re­a­dy en­ter the room to prepa­re ever­y­thing for my pre­sen­ta­ti­on. The 15min pre­sen­ta­ti­on went by very quick­ly thanks to a lot of prac­ti­ce in the com­pa­ny. In the sub­se­quent tech­ni­cal dis­cus­sion, I was then as­ked about all the to­pics that were re­le­vant in the 2.5 ye­ars. Af­ter the ex­ami­ners agreed brief­ly, I fi­nal­ly re­cei­ved my slip for pas­sing the exam. Af­ter­wards, I was able to go home with a good fee­ling and re­lax for the rest of the day.   I’m al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to my tasks in the Or­der Ma­na­ger Ana­ly­tics de­part­ment, whe­re I’ll be working un­til Oc­to­ber, when I start my dual stu­dy pro­gram in busi­ness in­for­ma­tics at TecAlliance.

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