We started our training at the TecAlliance on the first of September 2022. Since then we spent most of our time in the teaching office.
There we had a different trainer every two weeks. They taught us different topics from the programming language we were currently learning, or the basics of a new one.
In the beginning we mostly learned general basics we’d need for programming, how to use Git Hub, our report card website or the company internal websites.
To learn C# we had several different projects that got exponentially more interesting and challenging.
We started with simple tasks like programming a calculator to more advanced topics, that helped us program an aquarium with fishes that could move and eat each other.
After we learned the most important skills for C#, we programmed a carpool app with the use of an API. In order to store and get data, we also learned SQL and how to set up a database.
After all that back end, we brought in a little variety by doing front end in the form of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. While using these languages we created some simple websites like a calendar or a form to save data a user entered.
With achieving the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript we moved on to Angular which is a framework to create a website in only one page. Using this framework we re-created the game pong.
We had a hardware and network course, since we would have a lot of these topics in the vocational school. This course helped a lot and we had much lesser problems understanding hardware and networks in the school.
The latest topic we had in the teaching office was python. We had some smaller projects like a lottery, hangman and even the game Yahtzee.
Some of the instructors were in the same department or even in the same team, but most of them weren’t. Each one told us interesting stories about their team and department they’re in.