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End of time in the lear­ning office

We star­ted our training at the TecAlliance on the first of Sep­tem­ber 2022. Sin­ce then we spent most of our time in the tea­ching office. 

The­re we had a dif­fe­rent trai­ner every two weeks. They taught us dif­fe­rent to­pics from the pro­gramming lan­guage we were curr­ent­ly lear­ning, or the ba­sics of a new one. 

In the be­gin­ning we most­ly lear­ned ge­ne­ral ba­sics we’d need for pro­gramming, how to use Git Hub, our re­port card web­site or the com­pa­ny in­ter­nal websites. 

To learn C# we had se­ve­ral dif­fe­rent pro­jects that got ex­po­nen­ti­al­ly more in­te­res­t­ing and challenging.

We star­ted with simp­le tasks like pro­gramming a cal­cu­la­tor to more ad­van­ced to­pics, that hel­ped us pro­gram an aqua­ri­um with fi­shes that could move and eat each other. 

Af­ter we lear­ned the most im­portant skills for C#, we pro­grammed a car­pool app with the use of an API. In or­der to store and get data, we also lear­ned SQL and how to set up a database. 

Af­ter all that back end, we brought in a litt­le va­rie­ty by do­ing front end in the form of HTML, CSS and Ja­va­Script. While using the­se lan­guages we crea­ted some simp­le web­sites like a ca­len­dar or a form to save data a user entered. 

With achie­ving the ba­sics of HTML, CSS and Ja­va­Script we mo­ved on to An­gu­lar which is a frame­work to crea­te a web­site in only one page. Using this frame­work we re-crea­ted the game pong. 

We had a hard­ware and net­work cour­se, sin­ce we would have a lot of the­se to­pics in the vo­ca­tio­nal school. This cour­se hel­ped a lot and we had much les­ser pro­blems un­der­stan­ding hard­ware and net­works in the school.

The la­test to­pic we had in the tea­ching of­fice was py­thon. We had some smal­ler pro­jects like a lot­tery, hang­man and even the game Yahtzee.

Some of the in­s­truc­tors were in the same de­part­ment or even in the same team, but most of them weren’t. Each one told us in­te­res­t­ing sto­ries about their team and de­part­ment they’re in. 

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