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First theo­re­ti­cal pha­se in ap­pli­ed com­pu­ter science

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On march 3rd en­ded our first theo­re­ti­cal pha­se whe­re we had the chan­ce to learn many new things. We had, in ad­di­ti­on to cour­ses like Li­ne­ar Al­ge­bra, Web En­gi­nee­ring and Theo­re­ti­cal Com­pu­ter Sci­ence, also cour­ses like Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on and Pro­ject Ma­nage­ment. In most cour­ses the gra­de was for­med by th­rough dif­fe­rent pro­jects in­s­tead of “clas­si­cal” exams. The cour­se Pro­ce­du­ral Pro­gramming taught us the ba­sics of Py­thon, the to­pic in Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on were the dif­fe­rent op­ti­ons of busi­ness start-up and we lear­ned in Pro­ject Ma­nage­ment about Scrum, what it is and how to use it. Ever­yo­ne could let their crea­ti­vi­ty run free when buil­ding a web­site with HTML, CSS and PHP in Web En­gi­nee­ring. In Prac­ti­cal Data Pro­ces­sing we were taught the ba­sics of Li­nux and Vir­tu­al Machines.

Sin­ce the DHBW in Bad Mer­gen­theim does­n’t have a can­teen, we have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to buy meal vou­ch­ers, which we could use, to eat che­a­per in the re­stau­rants in the area. In sum­ma­ry, one can say that we re­al­ly lik­ed it in the theo­re­ti­cal pha­se very much and we were able to get to know the other fel­low stu­dents better.

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