You are currently viewing Stu­dent gra­dua­ti­on 2022

Stu­dent gra­dua­ti­on 2022

New be­gin­nings re­qui­re so­me­thing else to come to an end! 


Af­ter th­ree ye­ars of gai­ning ex­pe­ri­ence at the dual uni­ver­si­ty and at TecAlliance, our stu­dents have gra­dua­ted!  

Many highs and beau­tiful mo­ments, but also so­me­ti­mes de­spe­ra­ti­on ac­com­pa­nied the stu­dents du­ring their theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal pha­ses.  

In the stu­dy pro­grams Ap­pli­ed Com­pu­ter Sci­ence, Di­gi­tal Busi­ness Ma­nage­ment, On­line Media, In­dus­tri­al En­gi­nee­ring and Busi­ness In­for­ma­tics, the for­mer stu­dents were able to build up spe­cia­list know­ledge and deepen and ap­p­ly it in prac­ti­ce. In sup­port­ing va­rious de­part­ments at TecAlliance, they got to know the com­pa­ny, the pro­ces­ses, and most im­portant­ly the peo­p­le. 


The new ro­les that our gra­dua­tes have cho­sen are as va­ried as the cour­ses of stu­dy: 

As Ba­ckend De­ve­lo­pers, An­dre­as Pr­adel and An­dre­as Reich will sup­port the So­lu­ti­on Team at Ca­ru­so in the best pos­si­ble way.  

Han­na Shev­chen­ko has cho­sen an IT care­er as a Data En­gi­neer in the Pro­duct and Source Data Stan­dar­diza­ti­on (PSDS) team of In­for­ma­ti­on Ma­nage­ment. 

Re­bek­ka Rank is loo­king for­ward to gro­wing in her job as a Busi­ness Ana­lyst wi­thin the So­lu­ti­on Team at Ca­ru­so. 

Last­ly, Me­lina Gens­ler (un­fort­u­na­te­ly not in the pho­to) will ful­fill the role of Pro­duct Ow­ner of the Te­cR­MI Ser­vice Book in the Data Ma­na­ger RMI busi­ness unit. 

Dal­ma Ba­logh and Isa­bell Ba­logh have also suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted their stu­dies and have de­ci­ded to take a new path and de­vo­te them­sel­ves to new chal­lenges out­side TecAlliance. 


Yes­ter­day, the stu­dents met again with their training ma­na­ger Kers­tin Lang­ohr and re­view­ed the last ye­ars du­ring a de­li­cious meal. 

Even though the com­ple­ti­on of their stu­dies me­ans the end of a most­ly won­derful time, all our gra­dua­tes are loo­king for­ward to the new ex­pe­ri­en­ces and chal­lenges that await them in their jobs! 

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