You are currently viewing Va­ca­ti­on du­ring the Co­ro­na pe­ri­od at Lake Balaton

Va­ca­ti­on du­ring the Co­ro­na pe­ri­od at Lake Balaton

Ever sin­ce I was born, I have been go­ing on ho­li­day to Lake Ba­la­ton for a few days with my fa­mi­ly every year. For me it is like my se­cond home. It is sim­ply ma­gi­cal that Lake Ba­la­ton has an area of 592m². We in Hun­ga­ry also say: “This is the Hun­ga­ri­an sea”.

But this year we were not sure if we would make it to Lake Ba­la­ton, to the La­ven­der Fes­ti­val in Ti­ha­ny. But sin­ce a few weeks the­re are no more new in­fec­ted peo­p­le, so we de­ci­ded to rent a small house for two nights.

First we would have to dri­ve to Szán­tód, whe­re we took the fer­ry to Ti­ha­ny, to a small pen­in­su­la. This vil­la­ge is known for its la­ven­der field, all kinds of things are made from this plant: Food, drinks, al­co­hol, so­aps and cos­me­tic pro­ducts, which are sold in small shops along the promenade.

On the first day we made a small ex­cur­si­on to Ti­ha­ny Ab­bey, a fa­mous and his­to­ri­cal mo­nas­tery. The­re the view is sim­ply in­de­scri­ba­ble. From the­re you can ad­mi­re the who­le Ba­la­ton and en­joy the view.

Every year, at the end of June, the La­ven­der Fes­ti­val ta­kes place, whe­re the town awaits the tou­rists with pro­grams and con­certs. This year the fes­ti­val was can­cel­led due to the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on. Nevert­hel­ess it was pos­si­ble to go to the well-known field and coll­ect la­ven­der in small bags. Then we made small bou­quets out of it, which we hung up and dried.

We spent our last day on the beach, on the sou­thern shore in Zamárdi.

A few months ago you could not even ima­gi­ne to tra­vel again. I was very sur­pri­sed how many peo­p­le were al­re­a­dy on the road and on ho­li­day. Of cour­se it was not exact­ly the same as in the last ye­ars, but nevert­hel­ess we spent th­ree nice days at the “Hun­ga­ri­an sea”.

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