You are currently viewing The fi­nal theo­re­ti­cal phase
DHBW Campus Bad Mergentheim - Schloss 10 (Duale Hochschule)

The fi­nal theo­re­ti­cal phase

In the last lec­tu­re pha­se of the Ap­pli­ed Com­pu­ter Sci­ence cour­se, I was able to learn about ex­ci­ting con­tent such as par­al­lel pro­gramming and soft­ware qua­li­ty. The num­e­rous cour­se con­tents were com­ple­ted as part of some group work and exams. So the other stu­dents and I did­n’t get bo­red. In the fi­nal pha­se of the stu­dies, ho­we­ver, mo­ti­va­ti­on was also high be­cau­se the goal, a bachelor’s de­gree, was no lon­ger far away. Fur­ther­mo­re, the cour­se work be­gan in the fifth se­mes­ter. All stu­dents were able to choo­se one from a ran­ge of to­pics. This pro­ject span­ned the fifth and sixth se­mes­ters and was fi­nal­ly com­ple­ted in the exam pha­se. I was able to work on an au­to­no­mous car­go ve­hic­le with a fo­cus on sen­sors and ac­tua­tors as a pro­ject to­pic, which gave me a lot of plea­su­re. The next chall­enge was then wai­ting: the bachelor’s the­sis. I’m curr­ent­ly working on the­se. Me­an­while, the­re is also a bit of an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for the gra­dua­ti­on ce­rem­o­ny, whe­re the gra­dua­ti­on will be pro­per­ly celebrated!

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