The education fair in Lauda took place on Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22, 2024. After the final preparations and set-up were completed on Friday morning, the fair started punctually at 8.30 am. Several companies from the surrounding area were represented.
After a brief tour of the other company stands, the first visitors arrived and took the opportunity to enquire in detail about possible apprenticeships or study programs. Throughout the two days of the fair, there were many interesting, informative and friendly conversations between parents, students and us. Particularly noteworthy was the last-minute job fair on Saturday, which gave those interested the opportunity to introduce themselves in an initial job interview.
Our stand was well attended and it was a great pleasure for us to report on the wide range of training and study opportunities at our company and to represent the company.
The education fair in Lauda provided pupils and parents with an excellent opportunity to make direct contact with us and obtain valuable information about our training and study programmes. We are looking forward to the next fair and look forward to welcoming many interested visitors again!