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Edu­ca­ti­on fair in Lau­da 21 – 22 June 2024

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The edu­ca­ti­on fair in Lau­da took place on Fri­day, June 21 and Sa­tur­day, June 22, 2024. Af­ter the fi­nal pre­pa­ra­ti­ons and set-up were com­ple­ted on Fri­day mor­ning, the fair star­ted punc­tual­ly at 8.30 am. Se­ve­ral com­pa­nies from the sur­roun­ding area were represented. 

Af­ter a brief tour of the other com­pa­ny stands, the first vi­si­tors ar­ri­ved and took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­qui­re in de­tail about pos­si­ble app­ren­ti­ce­ships or stu­dy pro­grams. Th­roug­hout the two days of the fair, the­re were many in­te­res­t­ing, in­for­ma­ti­ve and fri­end­ly con­ver­sa­ti­ons bet­ween par­ents, stu­dents and us. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly no­te­wor­t­hy was the last-mi­nu­te job fair on Sa­tur­day, which gave tho­se in­te­res­ted the op­por­tu­ni­ty to in­tro­du­ce them­sel­ves in an in­iti­al job interview. 

Our stand was well at­ten­ded and it was a gre­at plea­su­re for us to re­port on the wide ran­ge of training and stu­dy op­por­tu­ni­ties at our com­pa­ny and to re­pre­sent the company. 

The edu­ca­ti­on fair in Lau­da pro­vi­ded pu­pils and par­ents with an ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­ni­ty to make di­rect cont­act with us and ob­tain va­luable in­for­ma­ti­on about our training and stu­dy pro­gram­mes. We are loo­king for­ward to the next fair and look for­ward to wel­co­ming many in­te­res­ted vi­si­tors again! 

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