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Se­mes­ter ab­road in Su­won, South Korea


My name is Leon and I’m stu­dy­ing ap­pli­ed com­pu­ter sci­ence in the 4th se­mes­ter. I am curr­ent­ly in my se­mes­ter ab­road at Ajou Uni­ver­si­ty in Su­won, South Korea.

The se­mes­ter ab­road gi­ves me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­pe­ri­ence life at a lar­ge uni­ver­si­ty in com­pa­ri­son to the very small DHBW in Bad Mer­gen­theim. In ad­di­ti­on to ever­y­day life at the uni­ver­si­ty with lec­tures and as­sign­ments, the­re is also ple­nty of time to ex­plo­re the sur­roun­ding area. Not only did we take trips to tra­di­tio­nal temp­les or ul­tra-mo­dern sky­scra­pers, but we were also able to ex­pe­ri­ence the fa­sci­na­ti­on of e‑sports in Ko­rea first­hand when we at­ten­ded the Grand Fi­nal of the Ko­re­an “Le­ague of Le­gends” league.

I am very gra­teful to have been gi­ven this op­por­tu­ni­ty and can only re­com­mend that ever­yo­ne ta­kes this opportunity!

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