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René’s Ro­ta­ti­on to Munich

On 03.03.2020 I went to Mu­nich for the ro­ta­ti­on to work in the CCS IT Ope­ra­ti­ons de­part­ment for the next 5 weeks. Af­ter my ar­ri­val I was shown around the lo­ca­ti­on by my tech­ni­cal in­s­truc­tor. Af­ter the lunch break I was also in­tro­du­ced to the re­lo­ca­ti­on work, which had been go­ing on for a few days. All em­ployees should move to a new flo­or. Du­ring my stay I did many dif­fe­rent things. Among them a ser­ver rack with patch pa­nels and swit­ches, che­cking the flo­or tanks and working on a pro­gramming pro­ject. Af­ter the first 2 weeks were over, I was sent home to the home of­fice for the rest of the 3 weeks, as the co­ro­na­vi­rus was curr­ent­ly ac­ti­ve. So I had to can­cel all tasks on site and had to con­cen­tra­te on the pro­gramming pro­ject. For the re­mai­ning weeks I pre­pared pre­sen­ta­ti­ons that I gave to trai­nees and trai­ners and fi­nis­hed my other tasks.

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