Self Mar­ke­ting Seminar

Hel­lo, my name is Jas­min and I am plea­sed that you have found the way to this ar­tic­le. I hope you found your way here well on the World Wide Web.

This is how our ent­ry into the se­mi­nar “Azu­bi­PLUS Wer­bung für sich selbst – Selbst­mar­ke­ting” (App­ren­ti­ce PLUS Ad­ver­ti­sing for yours­elf – self-mar­ke­ting) at the Bil­dungs­cam­pus Heil­bronn star­ted. Kers­tin Lang­ohr, our training ma­na­ger, made it pos­si­ble for us to have 5 trai­nees par­ti­ci­pa­te in this 2‑day se­mi­nar. We lear­ned how we can use our strengths well to stand out po­si­tively from the crowd as a person.

The jour­ney the­re took much less time than plan­ned – so we had about one hour to ex­plo­re Heil­bronn a litt­le. Pret­ty soon we got lost in a pet shop whe­re we loo­ked at many dif­fe­rent animals.

The se­mi­nar star­ted with an in­tro­duc­tion of each se­mi­nar par­ti­ci­pant. For this we got to know the TN2HA me­thod: You start with the cor­re­spon­ding dai­ly gree­ting (Good mor­ning, evening, noon, day…). Next co­mes the name (I am …, My name is …, My name is …), al­ways men­tio­ning first and last name. The first H stands for the cour­te­sy form: “I am plea­sed to meet you” and the se­cond H stands for pos­tu­re: For a gree­ting you should ad­opt an up­right pos­tu­re, this way you ap­pear very con­fi­dent. Fi­nal­ly, the­re is the link: you try to es­tab­lish a con­ver­sa­ti­on th­rough small talk.

On the se­cond day we lear­ned ever­y­thing in de­tail and in prac­ti­ce: how im­portant the first im­pres­si­on is, how the per­fect hand­shake works and what ef­fect body lan­guage has on our fel­low humans.

In con­clu­si­on, we can say that we took some new in­for­ma­ti­on with us, which will cer­tain­ly be useful for our fur­ther career.

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