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The year 2023 is just around the corner

This year will also soon be over and the new year is just around the corner.
We trai­nees and stu­dents were once again able to ex­pe­ri­ence a lot this year.
Some of us have com­ple­ted our training or stu­dies and are now working here as per­ma­nent em­ployees. Others of us star­ted a new pha­se of our li­ves in Sep­tem­ber and be­gan training or stu­dy­ing at TecAlliance.

The­re were many gre­at ex­pe­ri­en­ces again. Of cour­se, one of them was the trai­nee ex­cur­si­on whe­re we ca­noed se­ve­ral ki­lo­me­ters and spent the night in a te­pee vil­la­ge in free­zing tem­pe­ra­tures. In ad­di­ti­on, we were able to vi­sit training fairs again, which we were not able to do for two ye­ars be­cau­se of Corona.
We were also able to ro­ta­te to other lo­ca­ti­ons again, in­clu­ding Co­lo­gne, Is­ma­ning (near Mu­nich), Maas­tricht and even Tenerife.

We hope to ex­pe­ri­ence many ex­ci­ting events in the new year and to meet new col­le­agues and teams.
And so we wish ever­yo­ne won­derful and re­la­xing ho­li­days. We also hope that the new year will show us new ways, streng­then us and bring us fur­ther forward.

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