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Ro­ta­ti­on to Ismaning

Hey the­re! My name is Io­an­na and I’m curr­ent­ly in my last year of training to be­co­me an IT spe­cia­list for ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­p­ment. For the last few months of my app­ren­ti­ce­ship, I have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to work with our Tec­Com Por­tal team wi­thin the Busi­ness Unit Or­der Ma­na­ger.  

Sin­ce most of the Ger­man col­le­agues wi­thin the team are lo­ca­ted in Mu­nich, I was gi­ven the chan­ce to vi­sit our lo­ca­ti­on is Mu­nich in or­der to meet the team in person. 

I ar­ri­ved on Mon­day and was gree­ted by a few fri­end­ly col­le­agues who show­ed me around the buil­ding and led me to the of­fice my team works in. Af­ter a long jour­ney, a very warm wel­co­me and a bit of work it was fi­nal­ly time to call it a day. The fol­lo­wing week was fil­led with mee­ting new col­le­agues, get­ting to know the mem­bers of our team bet­ter and gai­ning fur­ther in­sights into the work we do in our busi­ness unit. I was able to re­al­ly come out of my shell thanks to the kind, open and warm working en­vi­ron­ment the col­le­agues in Mu­nich pro­vi­ded and was able to learn a lot on a pro­fes­sio­nal le­vel thanks to their open mind­set in re­gard to hel­ping others. 

Ho­we­ver, my trip to Mu­nich was not li­mi­t­ed to working. Due to the fact that Er­win and Mar­cel­lo – two of our IT-Spe­cia­list trai­nees – were also curr­ent­ly working from our of­fice in Mu­nich we de­ci­ded to dri­ve to the city cen­ter of Mu­nich on Mon­day. We sat down in a bar and tal­ked about our ex­pe­ri­en­ces – gi­ven the pe­ri­od of our ro­ta­ti­on – and about car­ni­val which is great­ly ce­le­bra­ted in Ger­ma­ny at the mo­ment.  

La­ter that week I went on a solo trip th­rough Mu­nich with the goal to see as many sights as pos­si­ble.  

My fa­vo­ri­te sight by far is the Kö­nigs­platz sin­ce I re­al­ly loved the ar­chi­tec­tu­re of the Pro­py­lä­en and the sur­roun­ding struc­tures. 

All in all, I am re­al­ly hap­py and thank­ful that I had the chan­ce to vi­sit Mu­nich and to get to know our team in per­son. I´m al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to mee­ting them again in a few weeks’ time. 

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