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Work­shop 28.10 to 30.10

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From 28.10.2024 to 30.10.2024, an­o­ther work­shop took place at our site in Wei­kers­heim. The work­shop be­gan with a tour, du­ring which the trai­nees were able to get to know the com­pa­ny buil­dings of TecAlliance GmbH. They then re­cei­ved a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view of TecAlliance GmbH th­rough a com­pa­ny presentation.

Over the fol­lo­wing days, they were able to gain their first ex­pe­ri­ence in HTLM, CSS and Py­thon lan­guages. Theo­re­ti­cal know­ledge was put to prac­ti­cal use in ex­ci­ting tasks, as the best way to learn is to get hands-on. The in­terns were su­per­vi­sed and sup­port­ed by our su­per­vi­sors in small groups. This meant that the path from a ques­ti­on to a qua­li­fied ans­wer was never long.

By ta­king part in the in­tern­ship, our in­terns were not only able to gain their first ex­pe­ri­ence in pro­gramming, but also got to know TecAlliance as a training com­pa­ny. They would not be the first to de­ci­de to train or stu­dy with us af­ter com­ple­ting an internship.

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