De­sign Thin­king Workshop

In the past 2 1/2 days, we trainees and students have been deeply engaged with Design Thinking. We not only acquired theoretical knowledge but also conducted many practical exercises. It…

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Work­shop in Weikersheim

What does a software developer actually do? We were able to answer these and other questions for our new interns this week. From 21 to 24 May, they were able…

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In­tern­ship work­shop in Cologne

The 5-day workshop in Cologne began on July 10, 2023, at 9 a.m. with a presentation about the company and a subsequent tour of the building.  After a brief introduction…

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In­tern­ship workshop

On the 13.02. of 2023 began the internship workshop in Weikersheim. It began at 9 AM with a presentation to introduce the 10 participants to the Company, followed by…

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