Tips n’ The­sis – Ti­me­ma­nage­ment for your thesis

Are you wri­ting your bachelor’s the­sis and fee­ling stres­sed? Are you do­ing night shifts again and just be­fo­re sub­mis­si­on you still must com­ple­te a moun­tain of tasks?

Here are some tips on why time ma­nage­ment is so im­portant and how you can do it better:

  1. Good time plan­ning is an es­sen­ti­al fac­tor for suc­cessful pro­ject work. Make sure you have a sche­du­le and try to stick to it – it makes you feel good!
  2. Plan as many mi­le­sto­nes as pos­si­ble to keep track of your pro­gress and to keep an eye on the goals you have re­a­ched – this is motivating!
  3. Al­ways plan for buf­fers, be­cau­se of­ten new tasks come up while you are wri­ting, or an im­portant mee­ting has to be postponed.
  4. To-do lists help you to ap­proach your work in an or­ga­ni­zed manner.
  5. If you have other tasks, put blo­ckers in your agen­da and work on your pa­per du­ring this time. You should not let yours­elf be interrupted.
  6. If you re­gu­lar­ly sub­mit your work to your su­per­vi­sor, you will be able to get va­luable feed­back ear­ly on and get a bet­ter re­sult at the end of the process.
  7. Meet re­gu­lar­ly with your su­per­vi­sor, so you can ask ques­ti­ons and you can im­ple­ment feed­back more quick­ly. Weekly or bi­weekly mee­tings are per­fect for this.

If you fol­low the­se tips, you will be able to get th­rough your as­sign­ment time with less stress – I promise!

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