Are you writing your bachelor’s thesis and feeling stressed? Are you doing night shifts again and just before submission you still must complete a mountain of tasks?
Here are some tips on why time management is so important and how you can do it better:
- Good time planning is an essential factor for successful project work. Make sure you have a schedule and try to stick to it – it makes you feel good!
- Plan as many milestones as possible to keep track of your progress and to keep an eye on the goals you have reached – this is motivating!
- Always plan for buffers, because often new tasks come up while you are writing, or an important meeting has to be postponed.
- To-do lists help you to approach your work in an organized manner.
- If you have other tasks, put blockers in your agenda and work on your paper during this time. You should not let yourself be interrupted.
- If you regularly submit your work to your supervisor, you will be able to get valuable feedback early on and get a better result at the end of the process.
- Meet regularly with your supervisor, so you can ask questions and you can implement feedback more quickly. Weekly or biweekly meetings are perfect for this.
If you follow these tips, you will be able to get through your assignment time with less stress – I promise!