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My time at CARUSO

CARUSO, the sub­si­dia­ry of TecAlliance, was foun­ded in 2017. I can name mys­elf as one of the first trai­nees who had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend a week on site in Mann­heim and thus get to know the com­pa­ny better.

I am curr­ent­ly spen­ding the rest of my prac­ti­cal pha­se in the Cus­to­mer Ex­pe­ri­ence Team. Tog­e­ther with Tina and Ale­xa, I get to do ex­ci­ting tasks and up­dates, such as im­pro­ving the news­let­ter and the Care­er and Sucess Sto­ry sub­page. I also get to help with the Christ­mas cam­paign for CARUSO customers.

Not only the tasks, but also the working at­mo­sphe­re at CARUSO is gre­at. Ever­yo­ne is very hel­pful and open. I was in­tro­du­ced to all de­part­ments of the com­pa­ny, which gave me a clear in­sight into the CARUSO activities.

I’m loo­king for­ward to the re­mai­ning weeks at CARUSO, which I can spend on site in Mann­heim or re­mo­te­ly from Weikersheim.

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