DHBW lec­tu­re “PKW 2.0 – The car is be­ing reinvented”

Yes­ter­day evening Jana, Mo­ritz and I at­ten­ded an in­te­res­t­ing lec­tu­re at the Studium Ge­ne­ra­le in the DHBW Mos­bach. This so-cal­led “Studium Ge­ne­ra­le” is a month­ly event of the DHBW Mos­bach, whe­re an ex­pert pres­ents his ela­bo­ra­ted to­pic to stu­dents as well as to any in­te­res­ted per­son. In the fol­lo­wing dis­cus­sion round all open ques­ti­ons can be cla­ri­fied. The to­pic of the evening was the ch­an­ge of the au­to­mo­ti­ve in­dus­try towards elec­tric mo­bi­li­ty, pre­sen­ted by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mar­tin Dop­pel­bau­er, Pro­fes­sor for Hy­brid Elec­tric Ve­hic­les at the Karls­ru­he In­sti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (KIT).

At the be­gin­ning Mr. Dop­pel­bau­er ad­dres­sed the cur­rent com­pe­ti­ti­on of the fu­ture en­er­gy sto­rage tech­no­lo­gies bat­tery and fuel cell, which in his opi­ni­on can­not com­pe­te with each other be­cau­se the fuel cell has a poor ef­fi­ci­en­cy and re­qui­res a com­plex in­fra­struc­tu­re. He then went into more de­tail about bat­tery elec­tric ve­hic­les, what the cur­rent char­ging in­fra­struc­tu­re looks like, what op­ti­ons are available for lon­ger di­stances and what ser­vice life can be ex­pec­ted for the ve­hic­le bat­tery. The re­cy­cling pro­cess and the so-cal­led 2nd life of the bat­te­ries are stron­gly cri­ti­ci­zed in pu­blic, but Mr. Dop­pel­bau­er sees this as a bil­li­on-dol­lar busi­ness for the re­sa­le of the­se cells as elec­tric home sto­rage de­vices and the re­cy­cling of the li­thi­um for new cells. Fur­ther con­tents of his pre­sen­ta­ti­on were the dif­fe­rent raw ma­te­ri­als and the CO2 emis­si­on in pro­duc­tion. Ho­we­ver, Mr. Dop­pel­bau­er was not so keen on fuel cell cars, as trans­port, sto­rage and ef­fi­ci­en­cy are much worse and over­all a much hig­her de­mand of pri­ma­ry en­er­gy is nee­ded to pro­du­ce hy­dro­gen for the fuel cells.

In sum­ma­ry, it was a very in­te­res­t­ing pre­sen­ta­ti­on, which again brought us new in­for­ma­ti­on about elec­tric mobility.

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