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The first pha­se of the Busi­ness In­for­ma­tics cour­se at the DHBW

The first theo­re­ti­cal pha­se of the cour­se be­gan with an in­tro­duc­to­ry day, which star­ted with a stu­dent wel­co­me and DHBW pre­sen­ta­ti­on in the “Alte Mäl­ze­rei”. Du­ring the cour­se of the day, we were gi­ven im­portant in­for­ma­ti­on about the cour­se of stu­dy, the mo­du­les and the ex­ami­na­ti­ons. This gave us the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know our fel­low stu­dents and fa­mi­lia­ri­ze our­sel­ves with the cam­pus in Mosbach. 

The fol­lo­wing day, we fi­nal­ly star­ted our ever­y­day lec­tu­re rou­ti­ne, which ac­tual­ly con­tin­ued un­til the end of the theo­ry pha­se. The ma­jo­ri­ty of lec­tures took place on cam­pus, as a gre­at deal of im­portance is pla­ced on at­ten­dance. Nevert­hel­ess, some lec­tures were also held on­line. Of cour­se, we also had to take va­rious exams, in­clu­ding a group port­fo­lio exam in the midd­le and six writ­ten exams at the end of the se­mes­ter over a two-week period. 

Ho­we­ver, stu­dy­ing is of cour­se not just about lear­ning, but also about spen­ding time off cam­pus. In ad­di­ti­on to va­rious DHBW events, such as the “Er­sti par­ties” or beer pong tour­na­ments, which are or­ga­ni­zed by the StuV, we used the time af­ter the lec­tures tog­e­ther with fel­low stu­dents to go out to eat tog­e­ther in Heil­bronn, for ex­am­p­le. The­re are also a few bars in Mos­bach that you can vi­sit in the evening or va­rious re­gio­nal places to ex­plo­re, such as hi­king in Ne­ckar­ge­r­ach. All in all, we en­joy­ed the first pha­se and are ex­ci­ted to see what the rest of the theo­ry se­mes­ters have in store for us.

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