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Fi­nal writ­ten exam 2022

On May 4, 2022, all trai­nees who star­ted their training at TecAlliance in 2019 wro­te their fi­nal writ­ten exam. On the day of the exam its­elf we were gi­ven time off, but also the day be­fo­re we were gi­ven spe­cial lea­ve to prepa­re even bet­ter for the exam. But of cour­se, the pre­pa­ra­ti­on hap­pen­ed many weeks be­fore­hand, and espe­ci­al­ly in the two weeks be­fo­re the day of the exam, the trai­nees gathe­red al­most every day to stu­dy tog­e­ther and brush up on the vo­ca­tio­nal school ma­te­ri­al from the past th­ree ye­ars. For­t­u­na­te­ly, we weren’t com­ple­te­ly on our own when it came to lear­ning. The in­s­truc­tors were al­ways available to ans­wer ques­ti­ons and or­ga­ni­zed mee­tings in which spe­cia­list know­ledge was tes­ted and re­pea­ted. At the same time, the­se mee­tings also ser­ved to prepa­re us for the prac­ti­cal exam and the tech­ni­cal discussion.

So af­ter we ar­ri­ved in Würz­burg on the mor­ning of May 4 af­ter se­ve­ral weeks of pre­pa­ra­ti­on, the ge­ne­ral ex­ci­te­ment was ac­tual­ly con­tai­ned. Ever­yo­ne was con­fi­dent that we would pass the exam. Of cour­se, the re­li­ef was still gre­at when we had com­ple­ted the last part of the exam, the WiSo part (eco­no­mics and social stu­dies) and were re­leased from the buil­ding. Be­cau­se now we had it be­hind us, the writ­ten ex­ami­na­ti­on, for which we had work­ed for so long, was over. Now all that was left was to com­ple­te the re­spec­ti­ve fi­nal pro­jects and pass the prac­ti­cal exam. Then the training is done, and af­ter 3 ye­ars we are ful­ly-fled­ged IT specialists

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