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My first time with di­gi­tal teaching

In the last two weeks, due to the Co­ro­na pan­de­mic, I have had di­gi­tal clas­ses.  A few days be­fo­re clas­ses star­ted, we re­cei­ved our ti­me­ta­ble and other im­portant in­for­ma­ti­on by e‑mail.

The first day of clas­ses star­ted with a team mee­ting with our class te­a­cher. Here we main­ly dis­cus­sed or­ga­niza­tio­nal mat­ters, such as how the les­sons will be held in the next two weeks, which te­a­cher will use which plat­form to pro­vi­de the tea­ching ma­te­ri­als. Af­ter we dis­cus­sed ever­y­thing, we star­ted with the les­sons. In AWP we lear­ned how to use SQL Joins – the con­nec­tion of se­ve­ral ta­bles – in the da­ta­ba­se lan­guage, whe­re­as in Net­work­ed Sys­tems we dealt with the to­pic of sub­net­ting, which we had al­re­a­dy star­ted in the pre­vious tea­ching block.

The de­sign of the di­gi­tal les­sons dif­fe­red from te­a­cher to te­a­cher, some of them gave us tasks to work on our­sel­ves. The­se tasks were then dis­cus­sed in the next les­son. The­se tasks in­cluded dis­tri­bu­ti­on po­li­cy tasks in BWP or pro­ject ma­nage­ment tasks in ITP. In AWP we sol­ved tasks on the abo­ve men­tio­ned SQL to­pic di­rect­ly in class. Each te­a­cher had a dif­fe­rent so­lu­ti­on on how to make the les­sons in­te­res­t­ing. Sin­ce we had very few les­sons (com­pared to our nor­mal sche­du­le), I spent the free time working on the te­a­chers’ tasks and do­ing tasks for my TecAlliance team.

I found the two weeks of di­gi­tal les­sons very en­joya­ble be­cau­se I could use the time bet­ter. Nevert­hel­ess, I am loo­king for­ward to go­ing back to the vo­ca­tio­nal school in Würzburg.

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