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IHK fi­nal pro­ject and the time after

Hel­lo, my name is Den­nis and I com­ple­ted my app­ren­ti­ce­ship as an IT spe­cia­list by pas­sing the fi­nal oral exam in July 2020. I com­ple­ted my app­ren­ti­ce­ship in the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on de­part­ment and sin­ce then I have been an in­te­gral part of this team.

The ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on deals with the ma­nage­ment of all mat­ters re­la­ted to buil­ding in­fra­struc­tu­re and se­cu­ri­ty, insu­rance, in­ter­nal fleet ma­nage­ment, em­ployee well-be­ing, busi­ness trips, re­cep­ti­on ac­ti­vi­ties, of­fice sup­pli­es and mail pro­ces­sing. Here I work tog­e­ther with all de­part­ments as “Tech­ni­cal Ad­mi­nis­tra­tor – Fa­ci­li­ty Ma­nage­ment Sys­tems”. In the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on de­part­ment, I will be re­spon­si­ble for the op­ti­miza­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of the IT or­ga­niza­ti­on and the mo­der­niza­ti­on of it. This is what I also dealt with in my fi­nal pro­ject: Mo­der­niza­ti­on of the pay­ment sys­tem for staff ca­te­ring in Cologne.

The pro­ces­sing of em­ployee me­als at the Co­lo­gne site curr­ent­ly still ta­kes a lot of time, be­cau­se in the can­teen, lists are kept by wri­ting down which em­ployee or­de­red which meal at which time. The­se lists had to be trans­fer­red ma­nu­al­ly into Ex­cel, which took a lot of time, also be­cau­se the hand­wri­ting was of­ten il­le­gi­ble or in­cor­rect. I de­ve­lo­ped an app to op­ti­mi­ze this pro­cess. In the fu­ture, the data will be en­te­red into the app and au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly en­te­red into the Ex­cel spreadsheet. The app was used for the first time at the be­gin­ning of Sep­tem­ber 2020 and I am al­re­a­dy very ex­ci­ted about how much it will im­pro­ve the work of the re­cep­ti­on in Co­lo­gne. La­ter, main­ly in­ter­nal tools are to fol­low, such as the insu­rance app, which I am curr­ent­ly working on. This tool will be used to in­form TecAlliance em­ployees about what ty­pes of insu­rance we have, what we are insu­red against and, of cour­se, which count­ries our insu­rance po­li­ci­es co­ver. The re­ason for this is that a lot of time is spent in the team to ans­wer re­cur­ring ques­ti­ons in this re­gard – this is what the tool is sup­po­sed to reduce.

As you can see, you never get bo­red in this de­part­ment, be­cau­se the­re is al­ways so­me­thing to do. Even if the­re is no in­ter­nal tool to de­ve­lop, the­re is al­ways so­me­thing to do. So we re­cent­ly mi­gra­ted our short-term tasks from our open item list from our Share­Point to Mi­cro­soft Plan­ner. The tool is much bet­ter sui­ted for short-term tasks, thanks to its Kan­ban board pre­sen­ta­ti­on. This me­ans that the re­spon­si­ble em­ployees are al­ways no­ti­fied when they have been as­si­gned a task. The who­le thing is al­re­a­dy show­ing suc­cess: short-term tasks that had been open sin­ce 2019 have fi­nal­ly been completed.

All in all, I am very hap­py to be part of the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on, be­cau­se I was im­me­dia­te­ly very well re­cei­ved here, I have very nice col­le­agues here and I have ex­ci­ting and fun tasks.


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