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Ad­ver­ti­sing cam­paign for dual training

The Mi­nis­try of Eco­no­mic Af­fairs com­mis­sio­ned a pos­ter cam­paign to il­lus­tra­te the va­rie­ty of training and dual stu­dies. The ad­van­ta­ges, which are at the fo­cus of the cam­paign, are: prac­ti­cal ori­en­ta­ti­on, fu­ture-pro­ofing and lucrativeness.

I ap­pli­ed for the pro­ject and was plea­sed to be accepted.

On Thurs­day (4th June) I dro­ve to Stutt­gart to take part in the pho­to shooting.

Af­ter my ar­ri­val I got a short in­tro­duc­tion. Each par­ti­ci­pant was as­si­gned two mo­tifs, which he or she was sup­po­sed to re­pre­sent via fa­cial ex­pres­si­ons, ges­tu­res and with the help of va­rious utensils.

Af­ter the­se ex­pl­ana­ti­ons I was in the make-up, whe­re my hair was sty­led and I was made up. Then it re­al­ly star­ted. For a mo­tif 30 mi­nu­tes were plan­ned. The pho­to­grapher gave good tips and sug­ges­ti­ons, so that we not missed out on fun and jokes.

All in all it was a very in­te­res­t­ing and in­s­truc­ti­ve ex­pe­ri­ence to take part in.

The re­sults of the cam­paign will be shown on bill­boards  in Baden-Württemberg.

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