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Se­mes­ter ab­road in Seoul

my name is Marc and I am stu­dy­ing Ap­pli­ed Com­pu­ter Sci­ence in the 4th semester.
Curr­ent­ly I have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend a se­mes­ter ab­road in Seo­ul, South Korea

I star­ted my time ab­road in Fe­bru­ary and af­ter a 7‑day qua­ran­ti­ne I star­ted to ex­plo­re Seoul.
As the se­mes­ter be­gan on the 2nd of March, I could al­re­a­dy tour around in Seo­ul for a few days and I am very im­pres­sed!. Even in this short time I got first in­sights into the cul­tu­re and the life in South Korea.
Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, four of my five cour­ses are on­line due to the cur­rent pan­de­mic, ho­we­ver, I have the chan­ce to get to know life on cam­pus th­rough a pre­sence course.
I am loo­king for­ward to ex­pe­ri­en­cing more of South Ko­rea bes­i­des Seo­ul and mee­ting stu­dents from all over the world.

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