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Gra­dua­ti­on of the students

Af­ter han­ding in our ba­che­lor the­ses and at the end of our very last prac­ti­cal pha­se, we had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to sit down with our training ma­na­ger and thank her very much for the past th­ree ye­ars. This took place on Oc­to­ber 2 du­ring a plea­sant din­ner, the or­ga­niza­ti­on of which was left to us. Af­ter the ma­jo­ri­ty de­ci­ded to eat Greek food, we were able to en­joy the plea­sant at­mo­sphe­re and the de­li­cious Greek dis­hes in the Re­stau­rant Alex­an­der in Bad Mer­gen­theim that evening.
This was the first time sin­ce the be­gin­ning of the Co­ro­na pan­de­mic that we all came tog­e­ther and could talk about the time spent tog­e­ther and the up­co­ming fu­ture. Af­ter all, some of us made our way home, while others en­joy­ed a few drinks tog­e­ther af­ter the beau­tiful evening.
Last but not least, a big thank you to TecAlliance for the num­e­rous op­por­tu­ni­ties du­ring and af­ter the dual stu­dies! At the end of the day, we were all sure that we made the right de­cis­i­on th­ree ye­ars ago!

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