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Ro­ta­ti­on Heerlen

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The busi­ness trip to Heer­len star­ted on Tues­day mor­ning. Du­ring the jour­ney, we coll­ec­ted our col­le­agues. As the­re were many gen­res of mu­sic on the bus, ever­yo­ne had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to play their own play­list, which con­tri­bu­ted to an en­ter­tai­ning atmosphere.

We ar­ri­ved at the of­fice in Heer­len around mid­day, whe­re I re­cei­ved my first in­tro­duc­tion to the to­pic of my pro­ject work on Tues­day af­ter­noon. Af­ter work, we dro­ve to the ho­tel in Val­ken­hof, whe­re we spent the evening ha­ving din­ner tog­e­ther. Ever­yo­ne then had some free time be­fo­re we met up in the ho­tel bar to end the day tog­e­ther in a re­la­xed atmosphere.

Wed­nes­day was si­mi­lar to Tues­day, alt­hough I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet some new col­le­agues from the Ne­t­her­lands. On Thurs­day mor­ning, we che­cked out of the ho­tel and set off on our re­turn journey.

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