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Cur­rent tasks in the trai­nee teams

Due to the cur­rent home of­fice si­tua­ti­on, al­most all of the trai­nee-teams are faced with new chal­lenges. Old tasks that were pen­ding be­fo­re Co­ro­na and were part of ever­y­day life have been re­pla­ced by new tasks.

The Em­ploy­er Bran­ding team is curr­ent­ly re­vi­sing the com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­ti­on for trade fairs and school vi­sits. It is also be­ing con­side­red to make school vi­sits, which were usual­ly al­ways at­ten­ded by trai­nees, on­line du­ring the Co­ro­na cri­sis. This will at least par­ti­al­ly com­pen­sa­te for trade fairs and school vi­sits that would other­wi­se not take place.

A lot of plan­ning is also re­qui­red by the On­boar­ding team. The­re, pro­ces­ses such as “from cus­to­mer to pro­duct” or “work­shop pro­ces­ses” are re­vi­sed. It is also ne­ces­sa­ry to plan which peo­p­le will be in­vi­ted to pre­sent the­se pro­ces­ses. A vi­deo for­mat is also be­ing work­ed on so that the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pro­ces­ses can also take place on­line. This will en­su­re that as few peo­p­le as pos­si­ble have to be in a room at the same time.

The ques­ti­on also ari­ses as to whe­ther work­shops will be held again. The In­tern­ships team is curr­ent­ly ta­king care of that. If the work­shops start again, it is plan­ned when they will take place. New tasks have also been crea­ted for each to­pic area, and all pre­sen­ta­ti­ons for the work­shops have been up­dated. This en­su­res that fu­ture in­terns have a few ex­ci­ting days du­ring their time with the company.

Not much has ch­an­ged in the Soft­ware and Sys­tems team, and the mem­bers of this team can work re­ason­ab­ly well in the home of­fice. They are curr­ent­ly working on mi­gra­ting the Pro­ject­board, and feed­back from Chris­ti­an and Kers­tin was also in­cluded. In ad­di­ti­on, ever­y­thing has been made a bit clea­rer and ea­sier to use.

The Social Media team was also not af­fec­ted by the home of­fice si­tua­ti­on as much as the other teams. As be­fo­re, the team con­ti­nues to pu­blish field re­ports and pu­blish new blog posts. New for the In­sta­gram team are the “Din­ner for One Team” posts, of which new ones are pu­blished dai­ly. The­se con­sist of dis­hes coo­ked by trai­nees and stu­dents, for which the re­ci­pe and the ne­ces­sa­ry in­gre­di­ents are pos­ted. It was also con­side­red that ex­pl­ana­ti­ons of cer­tain com­pa­ny terms that are fre­quent­ly used should be pu­blished to make it a litt­le ea­sier for new trai­nees to get started.

So you can see that de­spi­te the home of­fice, all of the trai­nee teams still have en­ough work to do, and that the Co­ro­na cri­sis has also ope­ned up new tasks that need to be mastered.

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