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Per­so­na­li­ty de­ve­lo­p­ment workshop

On Sep­tem­ber 22, the first-year trai­nees had a day to work on de­ve­lo­ping their per­so­na­li­ties.  

As a start, the day be­gan with small col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve games in which they were able to dis­cuss their own strengths and we­ak­ne­s­ses.  

In the cour­se of this pro­cess, one or the other of us rea­li­zed that the cha­rac­te­ristics which at first glan­ce see­med to be we­ak­ne­s­ses might ac­tual­ly be strengths in the end.  

Also by a kind of Bo­lo­gne­se, which went once by the who­le room, many be­ca­me con­scious that others see strengths in one, which one would not have thought at all. Du­ring this bo­lo­gne­se, each trai­nee was gi­ven a po­si­ti­ve at­tri­bu­te to wri­te down on his or her per­so­nal sheet by ever­yo­ne else.  

The­re was also a lot of dis­cus­sion about per­so­nal goals and prio­ri­ties. 

The­se goals were fi­nan­cial as well as ge­ne­ral, per­so­nal wis­hes and dreams. They then di­vi­ded the­se goals into dif­fe­rent ca­te­go­ries and prio­ri­ti­zed them. La­ter in the day, the new trai­nees were shown how to bet­ter un­der­stand their in­ner emo­tio­nal sta­te with the help of the “emo­tio­nal com­pass”. 

With the aim of en­ding the day on a re­la­xed note, each trai­nee wro­te hims­elf a kind of let­ter with which to re­cord per­so­nal goals and wis­hes. This let­ter was coll­ec­ted and will pro­ba­b­ly be han­ded out again in 6 months, so that ever­yo­ne can see how much they have per­so­nal­ly de­ve­lo­ped wi­thin this see­mingly short time. 

Ac­com­pa­nied by re­la­xing and har­mo­nious mu­sic, the day crea­ted a li­vely at­mo­sphe­re, which led to even more li­vely dis­cus­sions. In con­clu­si­on, it can cer­tain­ly be said, that ever­yo­ne took away so­me­thing new and po­si­ti­ve for them­sel­ves and their own fu­ture. 

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