You are currently viewing Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the “Stress-free eti­quet­te – An eti­quet­te work­shop for trai­nees” seminar

Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the “Stress-free eti­quet­te – An eti­quet­te work­shop for trai­nees” seminar

On July 8, the first year trai­nees took part in a se­mi­nar of­fe­red by Bar­mer on the to­pic of “Stress-free eti­quet­te – An eti­quet­te work­shop for trainees”.

In the first part of the se­mi­nar, we first lear­ned about the term “eti­quet­te”, i.e. what it me­ans, when and who crea­ted this term, as well as in which si­tua­tions of dai­ly life eti­quet­te, or man­ners should be used.

The to­pic of “du­zen oder sie­zen” was also ad­dres­sed, i.e. how it should be used and how this aspect is hand­led in our companies.

Af­ter dis­cus­sing the­se to­pics, the­re was a di­dac­tic break with some psy­cho­mo­tor exercises.

Af­ter the break, we tal­ked about the right way to wri­te emails and what words to use de­pen­ding on the ad­dres­see. Sin­ce eti­quet­te was the main to­pic of the se­mi­nar, we also ad­dres­sed the points we should keep in mind du­ring busi­ness me­als and what man­ners we should have at the table.

The last to­pic dis­cus­sed was con­ver­sa­ti­ons with cus­to­mers. We lear­ned which points to pay at­ten­ti­on to and which be­ha­vi­ors to avo­id in or­der to be suc­cessful in the­se conversations.

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