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Night of training Bad Mergentheim

On No­vem­ber 23, 2023, the Ju­ni­or Cham­ber Heil­bronn-Fran­ken once again ope­ned its doors for the “Night of Training” in Bad Mer­gen­theim. At this event, pu­pils were not only able to vi­sit a training fair, but also use a free shut­tle ser­vice to ex­pe­ri­ence the par­ti­ci­pa­ting com­pa­nies di­rect­ly on site. One of the start­ing points was the Mit­tel­stands­zen­trum Tau­ber­fran­ken, whe­re we from TecAlliance also had our stand.

We took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk to the in­te­res­ted young peo­p­le and give them an in­sight into the ex­ci­ting world of TecAlliance. We ex­plai­ned to them what we do as a lea­ding pro­vi­der of data, pro­ces­ses and in­te­gra­ted so­lu­ti­ons in the di­gi­tal af­ter­mar­ket and what di­ver­se training op­por­tu­ni­ties we offer.

To make the event even more at­trac­ti­ve, we had pre­pared some high­lights for the vi­si­tors. Using VR gog­gles, they could try their hand at the game Beat Sa­ber and smash the vir­tu­al blocks rhyth­mi­cal­ly to mu­sic. The­re was also fresh pop­corn, which we pre­pared our­sel­ves. This went down very well with the pu­pils and crea­ted a re­la­xed atmosphere.

We are de­ligh­ted with the po­si­ti­ve feed­back we re­cei­ved from the vi­si­tors and hope that we will soon be able to wel­co­me some of them as new trai­nees. We would also like to thank the Wirt­schafts­ju­nio­ren Heil­bronn-Fran­ken for or­ga­ni­zing this fan­ta­stic event.

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