IT Spe­cia­list In­ter­me­dia­te Exam 2021

On Fe­bru­ary 24, 2021, the day for all TecAlliance trai­nees from the se­cond year of app­ren­ti­ce­ship did not start as usu­al in the home of­fice or in the com­pa­ny, but we made our way to the Kur­saal in Bad Mer­gen­theim to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the in­ter­me­dia­te ex­ami­na­ti­on of the IHK. With a few mi­nu­tes de­lay of the IHK we wai­ted with other app­ren­ti­ces in front of the doors – with com­pli­ance of the cur­rent Co­ro­na re­gu­la­ti­on. When we were let in, ever­yo­ne was cal­led ac­cor­ding to the or­der of the ta­ble to en­ter the ex­ami­na­ti­on hall. We were as­ked to put the mid­term exam in­vi­ta­ti­on on the ta­ble with an ID card, which was then che­cked du­ring the exam time, which was 2 hours.

Af­ter we had com­ple­ted the num­e­rous tasks wi­thin the al­lot­ted time, we han­ded in our ans­wer sheet and were able to lea­ve the hall again. Af­ter that, it was back to work for us! When that was done for most of us at 4 p.m., we all went home again and now have to wait about 2 weeks for the results.

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