You are currently viewing Di­gi­tal <span class="caps">IHK</span> – gra­dua­ti­on ce­rem­o­ny on 15.11.2022

Di­gi­tal IHK – gra­dua­ti­on ce­rem­o­ny on 15.11.2022

Ni­klas Got­ter­mann and Jo­nas Hart­mann award­ed with ex­cel­lent re­sults by IHK Heil­bronn-Fran­ken. 

Our two IT spe­cia­list trai­nees in the field of ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­p­ment com­ple­ted their fi­nal exams in sum­mer 2022 with 93 and 92 points re­spec­tively. Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons also from TecAlliance for this re­sult. On Tues­day, No­vem­ber 15, 2022, the ho­no­ring took place wi­thin the scope of the Di­gi­tal Gra­dua­ti­on Ce­rem­o­ny, which we ce­le­bra­ted in Wei­kers­heim with a nice get-tog­e­ther. Jo­nas and Ni­klas, as well as Phil­ipp, who did not com­ple­te his training with us but has al­re­a­dy been ho­no­red by the IHK Würz­burg, were pre­sent that evening. Leon, who suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted his fi­nal ex­ami­na­ti­on in the field of sys­tem in­te­gra­ti­on, was also pre­sent. This event was also ce­le­bra­ted by the two trai­ners Ke­vin and Chris­ti­an, who were al­ways available to the trai­nees with ad­vice and sup­port du­ring the training and also give their sup­port to the cur­rent trai­nees at any time.  

With this ex­cel­lent re­sult, which the two have achie­ved – and also the other 4 ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­pers René, Lars, Ma­ri­us and Fe­lix, who also fi­nis­hed with very good re­sults – we see how im­portant it is to train dual. Th­rough the in­ter­ac­tion of the training com­pa­nies, the vo­ca­tio­nal schools and the IHK, the young peo­p­le have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to achie­ve ex­cel­lent re­sults. Only with well-trai­ned col­le­agues can we suc­cessful­ly im­ple­ment the tasks set by the cus­to­mer. Th­rough training, we face the fu­ture and lead them to be­co­me suc­cessful young peo­p­le, with a good foun­da­ti­on that no one can take away from them. 

We wish you all suc­cess for your fu­ture and keep up the good work! 

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