Net­work training – we are all connected

On Mon­day 08.03.2021 we, the trai­nees and stu­dents in the first year of app­ren­ti­ce­ship, had a training about the ba­sics of net­works and net­work ma­nage­ment. As the day pro­gres­seswe got to know dif­fe­rent de­vices such as rou­ter, swit­ches and ac­cess points. Also the dif­fe­rent ty­pes of net­works and what you should keep in mind, when con­fi­guring your own net­work, was part of the day 

Du­ring the training, we got se­ve­ral in­te­res­t­ing facts about how the net­work in our com­pa­ny is built and how the dif­fe­rent lo­ca­ti­ons are lin­ked to each other. This hel­ped to un­der­stand the con­nec­tion bet­ween the theo­re­ti­cal con­tent and the prac­ti­cal usa­ge. Bes­i­de this to­pic, we also lear­ned some facts, which are nice to know, when setting up and ma­naging a pri­va­te net­work 

For exam­p­le, that all com­pu­ters in a net­work are con­nec­ted eit­her by LAN (Lo­cal Area Net­work) or WLAN (Wire­less Lo­cal Area Net­work)The­r­e­fo­re every PC gets as­si­gned an IP address, which is at least in its net­work uni­que. When loo­king on IPs, the­re are two dif­fe­rent stan­dards used no­wa­days: The ol­der for­mat is IPv4 (, four num­bers, each from 0–255), the ne­wer one is IPv6 (wro­te in he­xa­de­ci­mal, e.g.: 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344), which was in­tro­du­ced to have more com­bi­na­ti­ons available to con­nect all web en­ab­led de­vices to the in­ter­net. 


Every now and then we got some ques­ti­ons to which we had to re­se­arch for the cor­rect ans­wersTo pro­of our new skills, we got chal­len­ged to find and fix some er­rors in a simp­le net­work at the end of the day. 

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