Home of­fice as trainee

Due to the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on with the co­ro­na­vi­rus, all of us trai­nees have also en­ded up in the home of­fice. What was pre­vious­ly only pos­si­ble th­rough ex­cep­ti­ons is now part of ever­y­day life for all of us.

Per­so­nal­ly, the ch­an­geo­ver was not that dif­fi­cult for me, as I have 2 mo­ni­tors in my pri­va­te life any­way and could ea­si­ly set up the busi­ness lap­top at home in a si­mi­lar way to my com­pa­ny. Ho­we­ver, I have also he­ard from some of my col­le­agues that they had more pro­blems with it.

But I have to say that my pro­duc­ti­vi­ty has been re­du­ced a bit. Be it th­rough the spa­ti­al iso­la­ti­on, whe­re you can only com­mu­ni­ca­te with your col­le­agues on­line, or the fact that my home sim­ply does­n’t feel like work and you are quick­ly dis­trac­ted by many things. My work­place is at the mo­ni­tors whe­re I usual­ly play vi­deo games or watch mo­vies and se­ries. Of cour­se you of­ten have the thought that you can ea­si­ly take a break from work and start your lei­su­re ac­ti­vi­ties. At that point it’s self-di­sci­pli­ne that makes you keep on working. Af­ter all, at some point you want to fi­nish work.

But apart from that, the home of­fice also has its ad­van­ta­ges. You don’t have to strugg­le th­rough traf­fic twice a day, you can al­ways cook your own food and you de­fi­ni­te­ly have your pri­va­cy to name a few.

To con­clude, it is de­fi­ni­te­ly in­te­res­t­ing to see what it is like to work from home, but for me it is not a good so­lu­ti­on in the long run. One or two days a week yes, but sit­ting alo­ne in a room every day and working wi­t­hout any social in­ter­ac­tion is not for me and I’ll be glad when I can come back to the company.

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