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Gra­dua­ti­on Dinner

Af­ter th­ree ye­ars, we have suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted our training and en­ded it with a nice din­ner.

Our training ma­na­ger, Kers­tin Lang­ohr, in­vi­ted us to dine at a re­stau­rant of our choice. We de­ci­ded on the re­stau­rant Schurk in Mar­kels­heim.
The­re we re­view­ed our training pe­ri­od at the TecAlliance. We tal­ked about our time at vo­ca­tio­nal school, our class­ma­tes and te­a­chers, and what fun­ny mo­ments we had ex­pe­ri­en­ced the­re. Then we tal­ked about our th­ree trai­nee ex­cur­si­ons and dis­cus­sed which one we found the best. Again, we tal­ked about the fun­niest mo­ments and also pul­led out fun­ny snapshots that were ta­ken du­ring the trai­nee trip.
Apart from that, we tal­ked about the la­test news – Co­ro­na was also a to­pic.

The evening was a lot of fun and the food was also re­al­ly de­li­cious!
All in all, it was a gre­at way to end our time tog­e­ther as trainees.

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