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Hap­py get-tog­e­ther with curling

As a trai­nee at TecAlliance, I was full of an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for the up­co­ming get-tog­e­ther at the Christ­mas mar­ket in Röt­tin­gen. Our com­pa­ny had come up with so­me­thing spe­cial: cur­ling on an ice rink.

With gre­at en­thu­si­asm, we split into teams and took to the icy rink.
The sound of cur­ling sticks and the he­ar­ty laugh­ter of col­le­agues fil­led the at­mo­sphe­re as we took part in the com­pe­ti­ti­on. Even tho­se who were on the ice for the first time were car­ri­ed away by the cheerful atmosphere.

In bet­ween rounds, we swap­ped sto­ries, war­med up with hot drinks and en­joy­ed the fes­ti­ve at­mo­sphe­re. The cur­ling was not just a com­pe­ti­ti­on, but also an op­por­tu­ni­ty to streng­then our community.

The event en­ded with twink­ling lights and the smell of Christ­mas tre­ats. We war­med up around a hea­ted ta­ble, ex­ch­an­ged Christ­mas wis­hes and en­joy­ed the com­pa­ny. The evening en­ded with a walk th­rough the snow-co­ver­ed al­ley­ways of the Christ­mas mar­ket – an unfor­gettable get-tog­e­ther that brought us even clo­ser tog­e­ther as a team.

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