On 27.04.2021, an online introductory event to the DHBW Ambassador took place, where I participated with nineteen other students.
But what is the DHBW Ambassador?
The DHBW Mosbach is continuously looking for students who report on their studies and everyday life in schools, as well as represent the DHBW Mosbach at trade fairs and answer questions about the dual study programme.
At the event, we were presented with what we need to present at school visits. General information was also mentioned, as well as a few characteristics we need to look out for at fairs.
The presentation should contain important information about the dual study programme, but two slides can be designed individually, on which the students can present their own study programme and the training company. This not only promotes the DHBW, but also the companies.
I think my DHBW story is quite interesting, so I would like to tell it further and inspire students to start a dual study programme at the DHBW.