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Christ­mas presents

All be­gin­nings are dif­fi­cult and the path be­co­mes even more dif­fi­cult. But we are all the hap­pier when we have dared to take the next step.

I think this quo­te ap­pli­es to al­most all of us.

Be it from kin­der­gar­ten to ele­men­ta­ry school, from the­re to the fur­ther and then an app­ren­ti­ce­ship or a de­gree (per­haps dual). How to choo­se, for the be­gin­ning and also th­roug­hout life it will not be an easy path and you will have more than one challenge.

But with all the­se de­cis­i­ons and chal­lenges we al­ways have so­meone who helps us, ans­wers ques­ti­ons and sup­ports us.

Be it the best fri­end, the fa­mi­ly, the neigh­bor or even the com­pa­ny whe­re you work. We are hap­py when we need help, when we get it and when peo­p­le think and be­lie­ve in us.

In the cur­rent pan­de­mic, whe­re the­re is no one re­al­ly who has had it easy and most of the time the­re are even more pro­blems than be­fo­re, we are espe­ci­al­ly glad to get a litt­le at­ten­ti­on back.

We at TecAlliance (even tho­se who have just star­ted) have kind­ly re­cei­ved a small re­co­gni­ti­on for Christ­mas, which shows that we are not just a num­ber in a big com­pa­ny, but that every sin­gle per­son is re­spec­ted and va­lued for what we do.

In this sen­se, I and I think also for my col­le­agues speak that we have found on our way a very good part­ner in ope­ra­tio­nal sen­se, which chal­lenges us all, but also pro­mo­tes and tre­ats us equally.

To go back to the quo­te at the be­gin­ning. Yes, we are afraid of chan­ging things and ta­king a new path, be­cau­se it will pro­ba­b­ly not be ea­sier, but also har­der. So every in­di­vi­du­al is hap­py to get back a ges­tu­re of gra­ti­tu­de for the achie­ve­ments that he has made, even if it was a new start for this or has de­man­ded a lot.

The­r­e­fo­re, we wish ever­yo­ne a won­derful and re­la­xing ho­li­day sea­son. We also hope that the new year will show us new ways, con­so­li­da­te us and bring us fur­ther forward.

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