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Vi­deo con­fe­rence rooms project

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In De­cem­ber, I spent an­o­ther week in the IT-Ops de­part­ment of Wei­kers­heim. Here I was al­lo­wed to help di­rect­ly with a new pro­ject, which had the goal of set­ting up two new vi­deo con­fe­rence rooms in Weikersheim.

At the be­gin­ning, I was al­lo­wed to crea­te two user gui­des for two new de­vices. The user gui­des are lo­ca­ted in the vi­deo con­fe­rence rooms and ser­ve as as­sis­tance for the col­le­agues. They ex­plain how to con­nect the de­vice to the lap­top and, if ne­ces­sa­ry, how to ch­an­ge the au­dio de­vice if this has not hap­pen­ed automatically.

Fur­ther­mo­re, I had to set up two new de­vices and in­stall them in the mee­ting rooms. One de­vice is the Po­ly­com Stu­dio, which also co­mes with a new screen. I first had to re­mo­ve the old screen from the mee­ting room and move it to an­o­ther room. In ad­di­ti­on, the Po­ly­com Stu­dio has a vie­w­ing ang­le of 120 de­grees and the pos­si­bi­li­ty to fo­cus on the spea­k­er.
The se­cond de­vice is the Mee­ting Owl, which has a 360 de­gree vie­w­ing ang­le and the abili­ty to fo­cus on mul­ti­ple spea­k­ers. The Mee­ting Owl was also se­cu­red with a lock so that it can­not be re­mo­ved.
Fi­nal­ly, a test mee­ting was held to check whe­ther ever­y­thing was working pro­per­ly or whe­ther any ad­jus­t­ments nee­ded to be made.
The two new rooms are Agi­li­ty with the Mee­ting Owl and Com­mu­ni­ty with the Po­ly­com Stu­dio.

I am al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to my fur­ther time in IT-Ops.

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