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One week in Tenerife

Hel­lo everyone,

Last week I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to vi­sit our lo­ca­ti­on in Te­ne­ri­fe. For one week, I was able to work in an of­fice with col­le­agues from Te­ne­ri­fe, who I usual­ly only know th­rough teams. 

On Sun­day, 27 No­vem­ber, I took the flight from Frank­furt. Af­ter a flight of just over four hours, I fi­nal­ly lan­ded at the sou­thern air­port on Te­ne­ri­fe. From the air­port, I had to dri­ve for an hour, as the of­fice and the ac­com­mo­da­ti­on are in the north of Te­ne­ri­fe. Af­ter ar­ri­ving at the ac­com­mo­da­ti­on, I sett­led in and pre­pared mys­elf for to­mor­row. On Mon­day, I went straight to work and was warm­ly wel­co­med by my col­le­agues. We in­tro­du­ced our­sel­ves to each other and I was shown around the of­fice and fa­mi­lia­ri­sed with the pre­mi­ses. The­re was a lar­ge di­ning ta­ble in the kit­chen whe­re we could sit tog­e­ther du­ring the lunch break. If the di­ning ta­ble was not used for ea­ting, it could be used as a ta­ble ten­nis ta­ble, as a small net was stret­ched across the midd­le of the ta­ble. The­re was also a lar­ge su­per­mar­ket right next to the of­fice. That was espe­ci­al­ly prac­ti­cal if you wan­ted to get so­me­thing to eat quick­ly du­ring the lunch break. 

And so the se­ven days on Te­ne­ri­fe flew by. The col­le­agues were al­ways hel­pful and nice and could al­ways help me with ques­ti­ons. On my last day in the of­fice, I even play­ed a litt­le ta­ble ten­nis match against a col­le­ague.
On Sa­tur­day, I had some time to ex­plo­re the is­land. A col­le­ague took me on a tour of part of the south of Te­ne­ri­fe and show­ed me va­rious be­a­ches, such as Playa las Ame­ri­cas. At luncht­i­me, we ate a ty­pi­cal Ca­na­ri­an dish tog­e­ther: “Pa­pas ar­rugadas con mojo”. The­se are boi­led po­ta­toes with mojo sau­ce. It was very tasty. The rest of the day we strol­led along the be­a­ches be­fo­re I went back home the next day. 

Vi­si­ting the of­fice in Te­ne­ri­fe was a gre­at ex­pe­ri­ence for me.
I would like to take this op­por­tu­ni­ty to thank Kers­tin, who made it all pos­si­ble. I would also like to thank my col­le­agues in Te­ne­ri­fe, who made my stay the­re memorable.

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